Part II of my Thanksgiving Day recap. (go HERE if you missed part I).
always my favorite part of any event.
But what do you get when dessert is combined with
a "French Farmer's Market theme" + a little creativity?
Everything homemade by me with the help of my two older daughters...
Mini Pumpkin Loaves wrapped in coffee filters doubled as take home favors...
I even made some DELICIOUS Crunchy Caramel Popcorn but forgot to add it to the cart...
Je l'adore!!!
I hope you are inspired...
and if you are wondering how in the world I constructed the cart...
it was actually a transformation.
You see...
When I saw this "leftover" prop used in a display in one of our local stores...
It had my name written all over it.
I knew exactly when I saw it what it was going to eventually turn in to.
With a sheet of V-groove paneling from Lowe's...
some nails...
scrap pieces of wood...
fabulous fabric...
and some acrylic paint...
A perfect peddler's wagon for my French Farmer's Market.
(and the good news can be used for future events and will fit perfectly on my back patio to showcase foliage, flowers and plants when it's not in "party" use)! *wink*
It was only because of my stepdad that the cart came to life.
He followed my instructions for constructing and putting it together!
THANK YOU Rick...for your patience and many trips back and forth to the hardware store!!
AMAZING! This is fabulous!
WOW! WOW! WOW! I am planning a farmer's market themed baby shower and this just gave me much need inspiration! Now if you will excuse me, I have a cart to go find, lol!
Wow! That is an amazing idea!
How amazing! I am truly stunned.. by the way where did you get the little scoops for your trail mix?
You did a wonderful job bringing your vision to life! Congrats!
That cart is genius!!!
Amazing!! Love it all!! The cart transformation is awesome :-)I hope you have a fabulous day!! hugs!! Britt
That cart (and everything on it) ROCKS!!
LOVE this! What a great way to re-purpose something random into something absolutely creative and amazing! Such a cute theme!
This is amazing! You are incredibly talented and creative!
Hugs to all of you for the WARM fuzzies you are sending me with all of your sweet comments. They mean so much to me!! Thank you!!! asked about the mini's the link: They are REALLY tiny - and plastic - not what I was expecting at all but they worked like a charm.
Let me know if I can answer any other questions for you guys...
What a gorgeous Thanksgiving dessert display! Love how your made over the cart, you are so creative! All of your desserts look amazing, wish I had a piece of the apple pie!
Seriously amazing. Love love love it!
This is absolutely stunning, as is your Thanksgiving table setting. Very inspiring pictures, I especially love the transformation of the Budweiser cart!
So impressive! How do you get the cart to different events?
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